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Hazardous Waste Management


Often business's are faced with the burden of dealing with the disposal of hazardous wastes and the management of such wastes on site. The mismanagement of hazardous materials can lead to tremendous liabilities for business as well as fines and other potential problems even to the extent of being shut down.



Construction Of Hazardous Waste Storage Areas

We can assist to provide storage areas that meet regulatory requirements so you can rest assured your business is acting in the best interest of your needs & environmental requirements. 

Ensuring Approved Permitted Facilities

We will take the responsibility of ensuring all contractors are utilizing approved & permitted facilities. We confirm facilities have current permits according to State & Federal law. 

Labeling And Storage Of Hazardous

Every item of waste needs to be labeled & stored properly. We can help so that your hazardous waste can be properly identified & transported when needed. 

Audit Disposal Facilities To Protect Business

We provide audits on disposal facilities to protect business requirement of "cradle to grave" liabilities. This is true peace of mind. 

Identification Of Waste Along With Profiling

Not sure what something is? We can provide testing to identify the waste properly. We can also profile all waste streams for specific disposal facilities.  

Ensure Manifests Are Correct & Filed

We will make sure manifests are true & correct. That all manifests are properly mailed & filed as well as data compiled for any reports requested at any time by regulatory agencies. 

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