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Available Services


Invert Environmental Consultants can assist with the removal of hazardous wastes from businesses, commercial or manufacturers. Even if the material is unknown, IEC will properly identify the material through field chemistry to properly identify and classify wastes for proper disposal.


From the first call, IEC can assist in obtaining an EPA ID number, identification and profiling of wastes to cost-effective permitted facilities, packaging of wastes according to Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements, and transportation of wastes to an off-site disposal facility. IEC will prepare all the paperwork necessary according to Local, State and Federal regulatory requirements.

Providing answers, reducing liabilities. That is our promise to you.

Industrial Toxic & Hazardous Waste Services

We will help you remain compliant with all Federal & State Environmental Requirements. Through paperwork & proper disposal.

Daylight/Pipe Locating

Damaged pipes underground that has a home/business stuck? We can help locate the issue & support is resolution.  

Mold Remediation

We can assist in mold remediation & removal. Whether a home or a business we have a team prepared to properly handle & dispose. 

Homeless Encampment Cleanup

Through the need of encampment cleanups our team is equipped to properly handle, transport, & dispose of all necessary items. 

Trauma & Crime Scene Clean Up

We will assist with cleanup after any trauma & crime scene cleanup needs. We have an Emergency Call Out team ready. 


Need a ditch without compromising the integrity of the earth around it? We can support in trenching only the area needed. 

Emergency Spill Response

In an emergency spill situation, we can support. Through on site assessment, cleaning, & disposing of all hazardous waste. 

Confined Space Rescue Personal

You may have a team that works your confined spaces, but do you have a rescue team. All "permit required" confined spaces require a rescue team. We can provide that service to you. You can focus on your responsibilities & we will focus on support & protection. 

Hydro Vacuum Excavation

Before you dig! We can help provide the essential service of Hydro Vac so you never have to worry about what's in the ground that could be damaged. 

Confined Spaces/Tank Cleaning

Whether you have a confined space or "permit required" confined space we can help. Our team has all the necessary equipment to enter a confined space. We also have our own confined space rescue team for support.  

Transportation Services

Every business creates hazardous waste. We can come to your location and transport all waste to the proper/legal facilities for disposal. 

Fire Cleanup

After tragedy hits it leaves a need for cleanup & disposal. We have a team ready to provide that support. Providing hazardous waste removal leaving the impact area cleaned & environmentally protected. 

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